Ocasio-Cortez sheds a tear during a press conference calling on Congress t

Ocasio-Cortez sheds a tear during a press conference calling on Congress t

Even Pelosi mocks AOC’s ‘green dream’ after she launches grand ‘Green New Deal’ that foresees a USA without planes or cars and would rebuild EVERY building in America within ten years

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled a new climate change initiative on Thursday — and had it swiftly knocked down by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ed Markey are promoting the ‘Green New Deal’ as a policy proposal as one that could become a massive vehicle for cutting carbon emissions and creating jobs in the renewable energy sector.

Pelosi told Politico in wide-ranging interview, however, that it’s just a ‘suggestion’ and one of ‘many’ the caucus is likely to receive on green energy.

‘The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it right?’ she said, mocking the democratic socialist’s effort. 

On Thursday morning, Pelosi announced a new committee that she’d established. Ocasio-Cortez was noticeably missing from the list of panel participants.

Neither women’s offices said why, although DailyMail.com asked both for comment.

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled a new climate change initiative on Thursday — and had it swiftly knocked down by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi said in a wide-ranging interview, however, that it's just a 'suggestion' and one of 'many' the caucus is likely to receive on green energy. The House speaker is seen here at the National Prayer Breakfast

Pelosi said in a wide-ranging interview, however, that it’s just a ‘suggestion’ and one of ‘many’ the caucus is likely to receive on green energy. The House speaker is seen here at the National Prayer Breakfast

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